Monday, September 7, 2009

Spare Some Change

This Labor Day weekend was the clean-out-the-cabin-for-the-remodel weekend.  We did great, with a lot of help from our friends.  The cabin is ready to be gutted and converted into a house.  While this is certainly very exciting for Hub's folks, its just a little bit sad for us.  No more green shag in the living room, no more running to the basement to use the oven, no more filthy, exuberant children and dogs running all over the place.  No more hearing everything going on in the bathrooms...  Its a big change.

And big changes are in the works at home, too.  Hubs has just just over a week until the auction on the company.  Once that's done, who knows what his employment future holds. 

This isn't the first time we've dealt with this employment status thing.  I can't imagine it'll be the last either.  We joke around here that the most stable thing we've got is the complete lack of stability.  Ha ha, right?  Between Hubs' job changes and schooling, my starting a business, us starting and expanding our family...  Like most people's lives, it often feels like we're living in this state of flux.  Mostly I think we do pretty well with that but sometimes, I could really use a break.  A little consistency and stability would be pretty cool sometimes.

So as the crazy old green shag carpeting goes, so goes Hubs' job.  In the place of the shag will be something classier, something Nicer.  I hope we can say the same for Hubs' employment.

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