Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Best Part of The Day

Every night at bedtime, when we're kissing and tucking kids in, we ask a very basic, very wonderful question.

This tradition began before we had kids and was completely stolen from my dear friend Wendy.  Wendy and her husband Jeffrey stayed with me during a move when I still lived Back East.  When I heard it, it resonated somewhere deep in me.

"What was the best part of your day?" Wendy asked Jeffrey.

Holy Crap. 

What a wonderful and simple way to share something with someone you love.  What a great opportunity to show interest in someone you love.  And what a great way to end your day--by thinking back over the course of events, reflecting on the day, and selecting and describing the Best Part.

Sometimes I'm surpised by Hub's answer.  Sometimes he's surprised by mine.  And the kids always surprise me. 

Tonight, for example, Coop said "Trying the asparagus.  That was awesome!  What's in asparagus anyway?"

Tuesday's Best Part?  Going to school.

Double whammy.  You know those times when you're really proud that their yours?  Yeah.  Big time.

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