Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cooking and Satisfaction

This week was insane.  I worked my butt off this week.  I saw more clients, dealt with more issues, ordered more stuff, worked earlier and later than normal...  All told, it was a helluva week.

Add into that soccer, preschool, 5th grade meet-the-teacher breakfast and John's strep throat and it really was a whirlwind of a week.

To celebrate the respite, and because John wasn't up to much, I decided to make us a nice dinner last night.  Thought some Thai Curried Chicken and rice sounded great.  But I know my kids and I know they're not going to get anywhere near spicy curry, so I thought I'd be the good mom and make something they'd enjoy, too.  So along with the Thai Chicken, I decided to make homemade curried Mac and Cheese (thank you, Paula for the recipe!) 

Because John wasn't feeling well, I went to pick up Cooper from daycare, once the computers I was repairing got to self-sufficient places.  After getting him came the trips to two different stores (Safeway has decided NOT to carry coconut milk anymore.  WTF?!?)  Once the shopping was done the chopping and cooking began.  In the meantime, Tuesday asked if she could have dinner with a friend.  Well, why not.  So off she went.  When dinner was ready, nearly three hours after I left to pick up Cooper, Coop decided that he doesn't like my mac and cheese.  Which he did like the last time he ate it.  And John finished snarfing down his dinner in about four minutes. 

So my effort to make my family a nice dinner was sort of a wash.  Tuesday didn't eat it, Cooper didn't eat it and I'm pretty sure John didn't taste it on the way down.  And you know what?  Who cares?!?  I had a great time cooking.  My stomach is growling at the promise of leftovers tonight.  Tuesday will eat it and if Cooper wants to complain, he can go to bed without dinner.  I had a lot of fun and the rest of them can go pound sand.

Happy end to a stressful week.

Let me know if you'd like either of the recipes.  Both were just great.

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